Real Time
Budget Tracker

View your NDIS funds in real time.

With Peasy you’ll be able to manage your budget, track spending, view and approve invoices via our Careview App.

Funding summary

The Funding tab displays a total summary that is currently being managed on your behalf by Peasy.

Plan Budgets

The Funding tab displays a total summary that is currently being managed on your behalf by Peasy.


This is designed to show the NDIS Support Items that have been associated to your Service Contracts. This makes it easier to understand how delivery is tracking for each support item.


The Summary tab provides a monthly breakdown of the services that have been delivered from your budget.

Careview Advantage

This app has been designed to provide people with disability, their families, carers or support team a faster and easier way to view NDIS funding in real time.

Careview Connect

The Careview Connect option provides accessibility to the people that you choose to have a ‘view only’ of the funding. People using Careview Connect cannot make changes to your NDIS plan.

This option may be suitable for family members, support coordinators, informal supports or providers.

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